Archivi tag: Pocket

Articolo Interessante: Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action Very often the construction of a Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence (DW / BI) system is performed following the flow of traditional engineering: analysis, design, construction, testing … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Cinquanta sfumature di Agile

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Cinquanta sfumature di Agile Spesso sentiamo dire dai nostri colleghi la frase: «Noi non facciamo Agile da manuale». Non possiamo fare a meno di percepire il senso di colpa di chi parla, che si sente … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development This widely-known adage dates to a philosopher and friar from the fourteenth century named William of Ockham. Occam’s Razor is often stated as: It’s no surprise that the whole … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Implications of Tech Stack Complexity for Executives

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Implications of Tech Stack Complexity for Executives In order for you to thrive in the digital environment, you need to understand the implications of the changing technology landscape on your organization. Continua su:

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Articolo Interessante: Finisce l’Era dell’Informazione, benvenuti nell’Era dell’Esperienza

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Finisce l’Era dell’Informazione, benvenuti nell’Era dell’Esperienza A 25 anni dall’introduzione del World Wide Web, quella che è stata chiamata l’Era dell’Informazione volge al termine. Grazie agli schermi mobile e alla connettività sempre e ovunque, stiamo … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Functional Programming You Already Know

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Functional Programming You Already Know You are now in FULL VIEW by | Sponsored Links Sponsored Content How Nuxeo Scaled its Content Repository with Elasticsearch Nuxeo Architecture for a Scalable Enterprise Content Repository Nuxeo Continua … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Seven Microservices Anti-patterns

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Seven Microservices Anti-patterns Buzzwords often give context to concepts that evolved and needed a good “tag” to facilitate dialogue. Microservices is a new “tag” that defines areas I have personally been discovering and using for … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: 5 Golden Rules for Great Web API Design

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: 5 Golden Rules for Great Web API Design Ever found yourself wondering “what were they thinking?” when integrating a web service via its API? If not, you’ve been far luckier than I have. Continua su: … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Developing Real-time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Developing Real-time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka You are now in FULL VIEW by | Sponsored Links Sponsored Content Top 10 Java Performance Problems AppDynamics FREE Book: Docker Up & Running – Preview Edition (by … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Faster, Smarter DevOps

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Faster, Smarter DevOps Call it DevOps or not, if you are concerned about releasing more code faster and at a higher quality, the resulting software delivery chain and process will look and smell like DevOps. … Continua a leggere

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