Archivi tag: toblog

Articolo Interessante: The Art of Crafting Architectural Diagrams

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: The Art of Crafting Architectural Diagrams Key Takeaways Designing architectural diagrams might not be an easy task; it can be tricky or error prone, even for the simplest ones. Creating consistent and meaningful diagrams brings … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Big Data Infrastructure @ LinkedIn

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Big Data Infrastructure @ LinkedIn You are now in FULL VIEW | by | Sponsored Content Continua su:

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Articolo Interessante: Intelligent Empowerment: The Next Wave of Technology-led Disruption

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Intelligent Empowerment: The Next Wave of Technology-led Disruption Technology is leading a new wave of disruption in our society. While powerful governments are worried about the potential implications of “intelligent” systems and robots displacing jobs, … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Architects Should Code: The Architect’s Misconception

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Architects Should Code: The Architect’s Misconception When I interview people for architect positions I usually ask a question like: “Do you think an architect should do any coding?” And I usually get one of two … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Organisational Culture And Agile Frameworks: How To Create An Alignment

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Organisational Culture And Agile Frameworks: How To Create An Alignment Culture impacts all areas of our lives. Some are obvious such as religion, family values. Many, however, fall below the radar but still have lasting … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Siri, Google, le Reti Neurali

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Siri, Google, le Reti Neurali “Ok Google, quanto traffico c’è per raggiungere l’ufficio?” “Al momento il traffico è scorrevole dal luogo in cui ti trovi al tuo posto di lavoro, il tragitto dura 57 minuti … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Siri, Google, le Reti Neurali

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Siri, Google, le Reti Neurali “Ok Google, quanto traffico c’è per raggiungere l’ufficio?” “Al momento il traffico è scorrevole dal luogo in cui ti trovi al tuo posto di lavoro, il tragitto dura 57 minuti … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Splitting a Monolithic Application Into Services

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Splitting a Monolithic Application Into Services Microservices-based architecture is an emerging trend in software development. It is the result of efforts to make enterprise application code more flexible and easily deployable. Current applications are typically … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js This is a one-of-a-kind conference for application developers, solution and data architects: people who develop business applications, create multi-device aware web applications, process vast quantities of enterprise … Continua a leggere

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Articolo Interessante: Programmer Interrupted

Vi segnalo questo articolo Interessante: Programmer Interrupted I’m writing this post in an apt state: low-sleep, busy, disorientated, and interrupted. I try all the remedies: Pomodoro, working in coffee shops, headphones, and avoiding work until being distraction free in the … Continua a leggere

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